Week 841
Day 5881 - 8/7 - Sore and hot
Today my shoulders are sore. I am still a bit sore from the first immunity poking a week ago on my right shoulder, and this morning they had another they wanted me to do, so now I'm getting a bit sore on the left.
The day was pretty good, but pretty hot. It has been around 75F lately, but I can be inside (the not cooled area) for a few days, and right when I got word of that the temperature has spiked up by about 10F. So lately it's been 80-90F, which is pretty crazy hot when you have no cooling. But I don't have to worry about other people being noisy or gross or whatever, so that is something.
Day 5882 - 8/8 - Still too hot
Today was pretty good, and while it is only late afternoon it is definitely too hot, and my back has been hurting, so that isn't great. I expect when things cool down later my evening should improve quite a bit and I should feel a bit better.
Day 5883 - 8/9 - Wobbly start
Today had a wobbly start. I guess the library is finishing some WiFi changes and replaced the connection parts and changed the wireless name (which makes zero sense since it only adds "D" to a 4 letter abbreviation.) So for the first 1.5 hours I didn't have any connection. I guess it passed quickly enough. And outside of a bit of wobbliness at the start it was fine and even had higher peak speeds than previous tests.
I'm super tired though. I slept well, but I'm just exhausted feeling. But I guess it was a pretty ok day other than that.
Day 5884 - 8/10 - Not feeling great
Today I am not feeling great. It started last night. I felt like I had a fever, migraine, a bit of dizziness, and maybe a bit of chills. It could be from the poking vaccine, but that doesn't seem super likely since that was Wednesday morning. So maybe someone at the library gave me a cold. I actually threw out part of what I'd gotten to eat and instead got a special cooked food as an early birthday food. A few of the items sounded really good to my tummy which has otherwise been uninterested and upset by foods, so hopefully that will help.
Day 5885 - 8/11 - Half way to rain
Today has been pretty gray and much cooler than previous days. I'd say the weather looks half way towards raining.
I'm still pretty sick feeling. I guess I've had a migraine, but only really the behind the eye part. And I still feel maybe a bit feverish, a touch dizzy, and have been sneezing extra. I wasn't hungry for lunch almost at all. I did eat some around 1, but normally I eat at 11. I did enjoy the leftover cooked fast food from yesterday, so I think that helped.
Day 5886 - 8/12 - Maybe Monday rain
Today I don't know what the weather says, but I wouldn't be surprised if it rained a bit. Hopefully things will be restful and calm and I can recover from my sick.
Day 5887 - 8/13 - Maybe b-day monies
Today I may have some early b-day monies from dad. Thankfully he sent actual money instead of a gift card. And there is extra, so I can worry a bit less about things I need to get soon. It is still not enough to cover everything, but it will be more than I expected, and that is something.
Week 842
Day 5888 - 8/14 - So tired
Today I am so very tired. I don't know why. Maybe it's that I lost a few hours sleep or maybe because of a cold. I have had extra sneezy and icky phlegm stuff when sneezing. But today a couple of times I almost fell asleep while sitting up. I guess overall it was a pretty calm and restful day, so hopefully tomorrow won't be as bad.
Day 5889 - 8/15 - Not feeling great
Today I am still not feeling great. I still have a bit of a migraine and my muscle layers feel strained, as if I'm not drinking enough. But I probably have drunk about three times as much water as I normally do, so I can't be dehydrated. I was also very sniffly and pretty sneezy.
I guess overall it was a pretty ok day. I started to peek at a free to play game a bit. It's ok. It has a lot of survival crafting which I'm not into, so I expect I'll only stick around for a week or two until the new season when things get mostly wiped. It's free, so nothing lost if I do or don't stick around. Something new to try for sure.
Day 5890 - 8/16 - A-hole line guy
Today I've been really mad all day. Today is the second time this guy at the library has upset me. Since I get there early I always put my backpack at the door, maybe one foot away, and I sit about 10 feet to the side with my tablet and look at stuff online. Then at about 3-5 minutes before they open I get up, get my backpack, and stand there.
Today is the second time this a-hole has come up to the door, stood practically against it, and straddled himeself over my bag, effectively as if he had come and physically pushed me out of line to be in front. The first time I let it slide. Today I did not. Peopledisrespecting others, especially intentionally, does not fly with me. I yelled something like, 'hey buddy, back the F away from my stuff,' from about one foot behind him. He pretended not to hear me. I felt like slamming his head into tthe door to get his attention.
Of course I didn't do that. That wouldn't be nice and I'd be at least temporarily banned. But his actions are unacceptable. I'll keep track of what days I see him (he's not there often) and in general pick up my stuff maybe at 10 'till instead of 5. That is the first step. And he needs to stay at least 3 feet from me. It is unacceptable these days to be closer than that to strangers. And if he somehow gets there and I don't notice and he's standing over my stuff, well, it will likely be very difficult to resist yelling louder directly into his face to get my point across at how unacceptable his behavior, and treatment of my stuff is. It's not ok.
Day 5891 - 8/17 - Sore baack
Today my back, and sort of my legs in general, is very sore. It could be from yesterday's conflict stress, or it may be a byproduct of the cold I probably still have.
I guess overall today was a pretty good day though. People around me were quiet and calm. I wasnt overly cold at the library, so I could dress a bit more comfortably. Though the weather has been super strange. It was pretty warm out, but there were a lot of black clouds, so that is strange. It looks like now they are gone again. It is very confusing.
Day 5892 - 8/18 - Still broken
Today my back is still broken. It's been slow going getting up from sitting, and when I have I have trouble straitening up. I'm still not sure on the initial cause, but hopefully it can relax and be normal soon.
I also guess I blinked at the wrong time when putting in my contacts this morning and one disappeared. I have no clue where it went. A few times it felt like it was rolled up under my eyelid, but only for about 5-10 minutes a couple of times during the day, so that seems unlikely. I now have zero extra contacts. I did order a box, which hopefully can last 4-6 months and that should be here Tuesday, so things should be ok.
There were a lot at the library today for some reason, so a few times there were too many at my table. But they were quiet and calm, so it was ok.
Day 5893 - 8/19 - Probably still painful Monday
Today I don't know what to expect other than my back will probably still be too sprained and locked up.
Day 5894 - 8/20 - Hopefully not too painful birthday
Today hopefully won't be too painful of a birthday. I suppose if my back is still messed up that would be ironic being a birthday older and effects of age hitting me. But hopefully painful physically or emotionally I can continue to hang on until better days.