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Epic Fail: The Journal of a Homeless Gamer
Book 17: Animated Divergence

This is my journal I wrote during the time I was homeless. It is broken up by week for easier reading. Feel free to read it on the web or download the complete .pdf version and print it for reading offline.

View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 1 .pdf paperback book, View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 2 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 3 .pdf paperback book, View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 4 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 5 .pdf paperback book, View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 6 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 7 .pdf paperback book, View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 8 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 9 .pdf paperback book, View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 10 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 11 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 12 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 13 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 14 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 15 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 16 .pdf paperback book
View/Download the Complete Epic Fail Book 17 .pdf paperback book
These include the Table of Contents, Glossary and links, all weeks, all pictures, and index.

Week 849

Day 5937 - 10/2 - Much hot

Today it is super hot. It got over 100F at peak. It got so hot outside that I actually was warm enough in the library to take off my winter layers which are normally required to be anywhere close to warm.

While I did want to spend most of the day on my pen and paper gaming stuff I actually played my old shooter for a bit. So that was different. I doubt it will become everyday again like it once was, but I may go back to a few times a week since I'm pretty much completely losing interest in the new free shooter I picked up a few months ago.

Day 5938 - 10/3 - Quiet day

Today was a pretty quiet day. I did more casual activities and there wasn't any chat on the social pages, so I didn't do any talking. It was still really hot, reaching the high 90s, so I did get to take off a few layers for a change.

Day 5939 - 10/4 - Tired day

Today I am very tired. I guess due to the heat I'm losing a lot of sleep, I'm not really sure. I guess it was an ok day though. I did a little on my pen and paper thing. I played for a bit. And I watched some shows. I couldn't think or focus at all really though due to being so tired and having blurry vision. I probably should have messaged and said what the poop because it feels like it was a week ago I was told it was approved and I haven't gotten a call to make an appointment. I've heard nothing since.

Day 5940 - 10/5 - Still extremely tired

Today I am still extremely tired. I couldn't sleep for about 3 hours after settling 'in bed' and with the other nights like that I've lost a lot of sleep lately. Hopefully I can sleep ok and be feeling better soon because it is really starting to affect focus and concentration.

Day 5941 - 10/6 - Still so tired

Today is another day I am still too tired to think. I guess overall though the day was ok. I did what I wanted with my pen and paper hobby stuff that I'm doing and that's all I really care about these days. Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight.

Day 5942 - 10/7 - Probably sleepy Monday

Today I expect even if I get extra sleep I will still be super tired. Hopefully I will hear back from the eye doctor people and get an appointment soon.

Day 5943 - 10/8 - Hopefully cooler

Today it will hopefully start cooling off. The weather says it is supposed to 'only' be in the mid-80s, but that would be way better than the low 100s it has been. Hopefully I can sleep ok and get my eye appointment soon.

Week 850

Day 5944 - 10/9 - No more ringing

Today I am thankful because it seems like there is finally no more ringing and pressure in my ears. At least if there is it is the very smallest of levels. Monday morning when I woke up, for some unknown reason, my ears were the most plugged they could be. A lot of low tones were just 'womp wop wah' and I couldn't hear well. High or loud tones were actually kind of physically painful. I was also a bit dizzy from the ear pressure. Tuesday was pretty similar with just a little less. Today things seem mostly normal again, so maybe tomorrow it will be back to normal.

Sadly I didn't do much for my pen and paper hobby thing because of the ringing in my ears lately and I likely won't have anything tomorrow because usually in the evening I'll make notes and move them over the next day, but since I didn't do anything today I won't have anything for tomorrow. I guess I can take the day off or maybe do stuff in the afternoon that I'd normally do later. I guess tomorrow is tomorrow. I have to live one day at a time.

Day 5945 - 10/10 - Ears blocked again

Today my ears seem more blocked again. In the morning there was a bit of screeching and dizziness. I guess it wasn't too bad, but it hasn't fully settled down yet. Hopefully I can get over whatever this ear infection is soon.

Oh, I heard back from the eye people finally. The suggested appointment date is early to mid January. Seriously? Another 3 month wait for an appointment? I get they may be busy because they are small but that seems extreme. (Apparently it doesn't help they only take appointments between 9 and 2:30, and close at 5:30.) I guess I have no choice but to wait if that is the soonest they can do.

Day 5946 - 10/11 - Hot-ish food-ish

Today I had some ramen that I heated with water warmed in my new portable heater thing. Dad sent some extra money for Halloween, so I got it for myself. It was on sale too at $10 off for $25 so it seems like a super good deal. The ramen was a fancy one, but honestly it didn't taste any better than the cheapest one. I'll try others since there are a few different kinds, but I expect they will all just be meh. It was very nice to have something made with hot water though (since I'm no longer at school to micro things.) I'm sure that will help on days I have colds too. And too I can drop cold lunch meat into hot water to help cook it. So often for whatever reason a lot of the ready to eat stuff from the store doesn't really seem ready to eat.

I guess the day was pretty basic other than that. I did a little work on my pen and paper hobby thing. It's kind of a monumental amount of work looking back on it now at about 60 formatted book printed pages and another 40 of cards to go along with it. When it's done it will probably have 100 or so pieces of art I've done for those cards and other stuff. My ears are still ringing a bit though. And I'm pretty tired feeling.

Day 5947 - 10/12 - Feeling sad

Today I am feeling pretty sad. Last night I was watching something and a scene triggered one of my P.T.S.D. style panic attacks about worrying about death. I started crying and shaking and feeling ice cold. I did manage to calm myself down pretty quickly, but usually after these events it can take weeks or even months before I feel at ease again.

Day 5948 - 10/13 - Little sleep / Can't see

Today I'm running on half of the sleep I could have gotten. I think because of my bad scare I'm still not great emotionally. And I'm having a really bad vision day. I'm having trouble doing small work on my laptop. It's really annoying that I have to wait until mid January to see someone. That means it will have been 3/4 of a full year since I first went to the emergency room to try and get this rushed, or longer. And I wouldn't be surprised if it were months after to get results.

Day 5949 - 10/14 - A rough Monday

Today I expect will be a rough day. The library is doing a holiday, so I'll have to be outside. My good outside plug is still removed, so I don't know how comfortable I'll be at the one I can use. Hopefully it isn't too bad, but I expect it won't be great.

Day 5950 - 10/15 - Unknown Tuesday

Today I don't know what to expect. All I can do is hope for a good homeless day.

Comments and stuff Copyright E. Stryker 2008-2024
Pictures for Epic Fail are taken by me. :)
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